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Child Internet Security UK… Protect your Child Against Paedophiles.

Child Internet Security UK

People are shocked and parents are rightly concerned, about devious paedophiles using the Internet to target innocent children online and arrange meetings with them.

Therefore The Government’s “Wise up to the Net” scheme, to provide child Internet security is very welcome, offering lots of excellent guidelines for parents, to assist them in protecting their children. 

As long as appropriate preventive measures are followed, there is no reason why children should not continue to enjoy and benefit from this outstanding resource for learning, entertainment and communication.

Parents are advised to take an interest and talk to their children about their Internet safety and participating with them, is an ideal way to influence their activity and keep them safe. They should pass on and discuss the security advice that follows.

Valuable Tips Provided by the Government Initiative:

The first rule of chat rooms is, Never in any circumstance, reveal any personal details that would permit someone to contact you, such as full name, address, telephone number, email address and mobile number. This includes information which may seem harmless, such as your favourite pizza restaurant, or sending a personal picture.

Always stay in the public area of a chat room, where everyone can see the conversation, and where you should be safer. Private, one-to-one conversations could be very dangerous. No one else can read what is being written. Getting a child on their own, and building up a relationship, is exactly what a paedophile desires.

Never arrange to meet anyone you have met over the Internet by yourself. If you do meet an online friend, take an adult with you and meet in a public place. You may want to explain that on occasions, children have met people from the Internet who have tried to harm them.

Remember that everyone you meet in a chat room is a stranger, even though they might seem like a friend.It is a good idea to check out any safety tools on the system your children use, so that you can report any abusive behaviour experienced.

Tell your children to be open about any bad experiences they’ve had online, so that you can take appropriate action.

Warn your child only to use chat rooms that are suitable for their age and avoid adult sites, which may include unsuitable material. Remember, the same safety rules apply in so called “moderated” chat rooms.

Most Internet Service Providers (ISP) provide child Internet safety features these days. Use the”help” facility on your browser, to find out what is on offer and how to alter the content settings to your liking.

You can also purchase software, which blocks or filters the data that can be accessed on your computer. However no filtering tools are 100% reliable and your child may be able to find a way round them.

Locate your computer in a family room to discourage abuse of the Internet. Worried parents spy on their children to see what subject matter they use online and software is available to help you do this. However, do consider how spying may affect the trust element in your relationship.

Always contact the police immediately, if you suspect your child may have been approached by a paedophile. All UK police forces now provide specialist officers to deal with Internet crime.

Report any illegal material you come across, to the Internet Watch Foundation on 08456 008844, they will take action to have it removed.

The safety advice given here, applies to child safety online through either a computer, or a mobile phone.

Parents should visit the Government’s “Wise up to the Net” website for more in depth information, plus a useful jargon buster, and other web-resources.

New Centre to Protect Children Online Good News! – As part of “Connecting the UK: the digital strategy” to be outlined by the Prime Minister, the Home Office announced on the 1st April 2005, that the Government is setting up a new Centre for Child Safety Online, to support the police and child protection agencies.

The Centre will target paedophiles using the Internet to distribute illegal images and ‘groom’ children.The aim will be to reduce the harm caused to children, families and the public by child abuse, facilitated through the Internet.

Useful Child Internet Security Link

XGate Internet Security For the Wireless Age

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