Child Safety Poisoning… Information To Keep Children Safe From Poisoning
Child Safety Poisoning
Over 36,000 children receive treatment for poisoning, or suspected poisoning accidents every year.
Most poisoning accidents involve medicines, household products and cosmetics. Some poisoning agents can cause breathing difficulties and you must seek medical attention immediately!
Child Safety At Home – Prevention of Poisoning In Young Children
Many of the products in our homes can be poisonous to children:-
medicines, cleaning substances, cosmetics, garden pesticides and houseplants.
Young children might be tempted to eat swallow or inhale these toxic substances, or get them on their skin.
So keep these products completely out of the reach and sight of children, preferably in a locked cupboard.
Do not keep poisons, such as drain treatments, detergent, oven cleaner, or plant food, under your kitchen sink.
Young children are most at risk of poisoning because of their natural curiosity.Most cases (80%) involve children under 5yrs. Medicines account for almost half the cases overall and particularly involve children between 2 and 4. Household chemicals account for 1 in 5 cases and are especially prominent among very young children.
Child Home Safety-Common Poisonous Substances include:-
- Bleach, dishwashing detergent, drain and toilet cleaners, furniture polish and other cleaning products.
- Petrol, paraffin, lighter fluid, turpentine products, paint thinners and solvents.
- Windscreen washer fluid and antifreeze.
- Alcohol, medicines (including vitamins), and dietary supplements. Aspirin is a common source of childhood poisoning, especially the flavoured “baby” aspirin.
- Cosmetics, nail varnishes and perfumes.
- Arts and crafts adhesives and glue. Non toxic arts and crafts materials are available.
- Batteries and mothballs.
- Garden products, especially pesticides for killing insects, pests, or weeds.
Here are Some Tips on Child Safety – Poisoning:-
- Always read the caution statements on product labels for advice regarding correct use of the product and first aid instructions. Wherever possible, buy products in child resistant containers.
- Keep household plants out of reach, as many are poisonous if eaten. Avoid buying plants with poisonous leaves or berries, or those that are known to irritate the skin.
- Keep products in their original labelled containers and don’t store poisonous products in food containers.
- Never leave a poisonous product unattended, even for a moment. Many poisonings occur when an adult is called away by the doorbell, a telephone call or other interruption.
- Only buy dangerous products that are in child-resistant containers and choose the least riky products available for the purpose.
- By choosing multi-use products you will reduce the number of different chemicals around your home.
- Watch out for any old lead painted surfaces, which may still present a risk to children in your house.
- Don’t forget your garage and garden shed when checking for poisons in your home. Many products kept in garages are also fire hazards.
- Only use lawn chemicals that are listed for ‘non restricted use.’
- Do not take medicines in the presence of a young child, as children like to mimic adult actions. They may eat something inappropriate in trying to copy you.
- Educate your children about the effects and dangers of alcohol and medicines.
- Check the expiry dates on medicines, and discard those that are out of date by flushing them down the toilet.
- Grandparents also need to be aware of these precautions when young relatives visit them.
Chemicals and Fumes
Never mix chemicals.
Keep cleaners or chemicals in their original container.
Only use chemicals in well-ventilated areas.
Dispose of unwanted medicines and chemicals safely.