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The NSI…Provides Approval and Inspection Services For the Security and Fire Industries.

The National Security Inspectorate (NSI) Is an independent, non-profit making approvals association, providing inspection services for the security and fire industries. NSI UK is authorised by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS), which operates on behalf of the Government, to ensure that organisations such as NSI are run properly. All NSI group programmes exceed the relevant requirements of the Police, Fire Service and Insurers.

There are Three Levels of Approval Under which NSI companies may be approved, depending on the stage of development of their business. 

  • Gold- NSI’s premier scheme is for companies who consistently meet the industry’s highest standards through ISO9000 Quality Management, as well as the relevant British and European Standards.
  •  Silver- NSI’s Silver schemes are designed primarily for smaller and newer companies, who comply with the requirements of the relevant British and European Standards relating to their business.
  • Bronze- Is an entry-level scheme for companies involved in manned security through NSI’s Guarding division, designed for new companies, who are unable at the time, to satisfy the full requirements of the relevant industry Standards. However, these companies must work towards and achieve Silver status within a specific time scale.

Company Search Provision for Consumers NSI provides a Directory of Approved Companies taking part in its schemes, which you can search by:-

  • Company name.
  • Company – by type of security service provided.
  • Police Region.
  • Geographical area or postal town.
  • A hard copy of the directory of approved companies is supplied on request.


If you are searching for a company to install or maintain your intruder alarm, access control or CCTV system – Then here are just some of the reasons why you might choose an NSI approved company.

Do you want a company which consistently meet the industry’s highest standards through ISO9000 Quality Management, as well as the relevant British and European Standards.

Do you want the company’s staff to be properly security vetted to British Standards?

Do you want the company to be fully insured, operate a 24-hour call out service and respond within 4 hours?

NSI group UK has been protecting security consumers for over 30 years, by demanding the highest standards and operating an exacting inspection authority.

Full-time, highly qualified inspectors visit security companies regularly, to certify that they consistently deliver excellent standards. This confirms the reliability and soundness of the companies it inspects.


The National Approval Council for Security Systems was formed from the merger of the NSCIA and the Security Systems Inspectorate (SSI).

It has for many years been responsible for improving standards in the security industry, in line with progressively tougher requirements of the insurance sector and the Police national alarms policy.

NACOSS achieved the universal endorsement of insurers, Police and security buyers. CCTV and access control systems were later added to the scope covered by the council.

The Inspectorate of the Security Industry (ISI) was formed in 1992 to offer voluntary inspection for the manned security sector.

ISI and NACOSS merged in 2001 to create a unified inspectorate NSI, covering all elements of the security industry, with the goal of creating a one-stop-shop, for the benefit of customers and suppliers alike.




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