Recent Articles:

BSIA Awards UK… Seek to Promote Excellence in The Security Field.

My Aim On This Page is to make you aware of Award Winning Companies for home security innovations, supplementary to the main page about the Best Home Security Companies UK on the site.

I will update the articles periodically as new information comes to hand.   … Continue Reading

The NSI…Provides Approval and Inspection Services For the Security and Fire Industries.

The National Security Inspectorate (NSI) Is an independent, non-profit making approvals association, providing inspection services for the security and fire industries. NSI UK is authorised by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS), which operates on behalf of the Government, to ensure that organisations such as NSI are run properly. All NSI group programmes exceed the relevant requirements of the Police, Fire Service and Insurers.

There are Three Levels of Approval Under which NSI companies may be approved, depending on the stage of development of their business.  … Continue Reading

Carbon Monoxide Detectors… Can Prevent Danger To You and Your Family in The Home.

Do I Really Need Carbon Monoxide Detectors Yes, because Carbon Monoxide Gas (CO) is a toxic gas, which is odourless, tasteless and colourless and can be a danger to you and your family in the home, since if it is present you will not be aware of it.

This is why it is important to find out about carbon monoxide detectors, so that you know how to protect your family.   … Continue Reading

Telephone Security…Telephones are used by criminals To Undermine Home and Personal Security.

Telephone Security UK

It is a regrettable fact, that telephones are used by criminals to undermine our home security and other devious individuals enjoy causing people anxiety or distress, by making threatening, abusive, or nuisance phone calls.

Home and Personal Telephone Security

It is well known that burglars use the telephone to ascertain if the occupiers are at home, so never leave an answer-phone message which informs them that you are away. On answering the phone, do not give your number and only your surname, so that the caller doesn’t know if you are a man or a woman.  … Continue Reading

Phishing… An Increasingly Prevalent Fraudulent Scam in the UK and Abroad.

Phishing UK

You may have heard the word phishing, in connection with stories in the media about fraud committed over the Internet. This is a very prevalent fraudulent scheme in the UK and abroad, that uses e-mail spam or pop-up messages to deceive you into revealing your credit card numbers, bank account information, social security number, passwords, or other sensitive information.   … Continue Reading

Motor Insurance…Protects You Against Liability for Motor Accidents You May Cause.

Many different types of motor insurance cover are available: -‘Comprehensive’ cover, which protects motorists against liability for accidents they may cause and includes accidental damage, theft and damage by fire, as well as liability towards third parties.

‘Third Party’ only cover, which protects drivers against liability if they injure a third party, or cause damage to a third party’s property, however it does not cover the motorist’s own vehicle or property.   … Continue Reading

Home Control…Selecting The Most Efficient And Powerful Home Control System For You.

Automated Home Control

As discussed in my previous article on Home Automation, your key decision is whether you prefer a system that is controlled by your personal computer, a standalone system, or a composition of both.

This article assumes that after due consideration, you have opted for a standalone home control system and are now concentrating on selecting the most efficient and powerful home control to fit your requirements.  … Continue Reading

Fire Sprinklers UK… Can Virtually Eliminate Fire Deaths.

Fire Sprinklers UK

Statistics show that fire sprinkler systems, can virtually eliminate fire deaths and greatly reduce injuries and property damage, which is good news, considering that you are three times more likely to die in a fire at home than elsewhere.

E.g. Fire Sprinklers have become compulsory in some parts of the United States dramatically cutting deaths from fires in the home. … Continue Reading

XGate Intelligent Internet Security For the Wireless Age Identifies And Blocks Internet Threats

Best Internet Security

Would you like to turn on your computer without worrying about the fear that accessing the Internet causes to you and your family?

Global Security 1’s XGate broadband router actually identifies and blocks threats before they even reach your computer!  … Continue Reading

Home Contents Insurance UK… Provides Comprehensive Protection For All Your Family Possessions.

Home Contents Insurance

UK Policies are very comprehensive in the range of protection they offer and provide cover for all your household goods, apart from fixtures and fittings, to include: –

Furniture and furnishings, kitchen equipment, general household goods and chattels, electrical equipment, and personal effects like clothing and jewellery, for a series of specified risks theft, fire, or floods.  … Continue Reading
