A Domia Ten Home Control System Enables Control And Integration Of Your Home Network.
Domia Ten
Domia Ten is the latest incarnation of the X10 home control system; no messy wiring is required, you simply plug your lamp or appliance into a Domia Ten module, which then plugs into your wall outlet.
Launched in 1960 X10 is now a global standard for sending signals over your existing mains circuitry, to enable home automation.
Each Domia Ten home automation module can have its own unique address to control individual devices, so that numerous control and security modules can be used.
Whilst Domia Ten retains full backward compatibility with the original X10 systems, it now offers a much improved range and greatly increased reliability; in particular it has better filtering capabilities, which makes it more robust in ‘noisy’ environments.
There is a variety of Domia Ten products available to cater for many of your home automation system’s needs. They are ergonomically designed, easy to program and offer visible feedback of activity through LED lights.
There are 13 individual modules – not all are necessary for the home control system to function – but are made available to expand the system capabilities.
Should you wish to control the appliances or lights at home from your PC, just buy and install the Harmony software plus the X10 interface and you’re ready to go.
Adding the Harmony Media Center software will also enable you to control your smart home through your TV, PC or remotely via the Internet.
With other Harmony and Domia home automation extensions, you can integrate your CCTV, use remote controls to dim your lights, include motion sensors to turn appliances or lights on when you walk into a room; set up a chain of commands to be triggered by an event, such as a security alert – the possibilities are almost endless!