Home Security System Review… Before Buying a Home Security System.
What Is a Home Security System Review UK?
It Is a project which helps you take a close look at your home, and your locality, to decide what sort of crimes or problems are most likely to affect the security of your family and possessions.
Why not do a home security system review, before you even consider purchasing any kind of home security system, to help you find out the precise level of protection which is necessary? Thus preventing needless expense on equipment you don’t need.
First of All Assemble the Facts Call on the assistance of your local police crime prevention officer, the fire service, neighbourhood watch and your insurance company, who can give you detailed statistics and advice regarding prevalent crimes in your area, as well as other incidents such as fire or flooding. Also talk to your neighbours, to discover their experience and knowledge of local crime or vandalism.
The 1996 and 1998 British Crime Survey concluded that the following factors increase the risk of burglary. I quote:
- Lack of security action.
- Low levels of occupancy]
- Living in a detached house
- Living in inner-city areas
- Living in a household in which there is a single adult and children
- The head of household is young
- A household in which the occupants are Asian.
The risk of burglary in rural areas is well below the national average (2.6%). Between 1995 and 1999 the chance of being burgled in rural areas has declined and has remained at a little over half that for non-rural areas.Levels of home security continued to increase between 1998 and 2000, which may partly account for the reduction in burglary over the period.
How Does a Burglar’s Mind Work? Burglary, on average, is an opportunist crime. A burglar will select his target because it offers him the best opportunity to achieve his objective undetected and with the least number of obstacles in his way. A house that presents itself as unoccupied and insecure is far more likely to be burgled than one that is properly protected.
When working on your home security system review, imagine that you are a burglar targeting your home and assess the situation to include the locality, your fences, grounds, gates, locks, doors and windows accessibility, etc. Also note how far you are from police and fire stations. Your family’s personal routines are equally important, as obvious routines can make you an easier target for criminals.
I have provided a Checklist to help you with the task plus,
a link to Up My Street.com so that you can check all the latest Home Office crime statistics.here : –
Home Security Assessment & Checklist
Results of Your Home Security System Review Now study the facts you have assembled and classify any problem areas according to the risks, which are now apparent (not just crimes but accidents like fire or flood) and decide whether you may become a victim to them.
At this point in your risk assessment you should know the sort of security risks, that are most likely to affect you.
Some risks may not concern you, but others are unacceptable and you now have to work at eradicating those threats, by deciding on a plan of action.
It is now time to select and purchase the home security products and systems, that make your house as burglar, fire and accident-proof as possible.
A Comprehensive Home Security System Review Can Reduce Home Insurance Costs- because such careful planning shows your insurance company, that you are serious about protecting your home and possessions.
Now compile your review and security plan, detailing the action you have taken to protect your house, then send a copy to your insurer to request premium discounts.
Why not start with some of the following articles on Home Security Action?
Home Automation…Home automation is the way forward for home security.
Burglar Alarms Provide Additional Home Security for Your Peace of Mind.
Home CCTV Systems…can markedly reduce the risk of crimes against your home.
Home Security Doors…Do Yours Meet Security Standards?
Security Lighting, provides peace of mind and increased security at home.